Anti Termite Piping System

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If you are building a new home or office, and want to be worry-free about the future termite invade, then it is advisable for anti-termite treatment before construction. There are multiple anti-termite treatments is available, however, our anti-termite piping system claims to be powerful and cost-effective against all other processes. We are Zeel Pest Control from Ahemdabad, Gujarat, India, providing a wide range of pest control services for commercial as well as residential properties since then years. With the experience and efforts, we constantly introduce modern and effective methods to deal with pests, and the introduced termite reticulation system is one of them.

In this anti-termite piping system, we fill pesticides through the already available pipelines using emitters to prevent the entry of termites into the structure. This pipe is installed in the structure during the construction of the house ahead of flooring, hence it is advisable to contact us before you start of construction for the convenience of both.

The piping system can be installed below flooring or at the plinth level as per your choice, in plinth level piping, we install porous pipes on the joints of the internal wall to deliver effective results. The same piping will be installed in the surrounding of the construction to impart greater protection against termites. Once the piping system is installed, it gets examined by our quality checkers and delivered to you. We also create holes at certain gaps in piping to refill the pesticides at a certain period of gap and keep the termites away for all time. This termite reticulation system meets all quality safety standards, whereas the pesticides used in the treatment are certified by CIB, hence is absolutely safe.

Why Zeel Pest Control for Termite Piping System

  • We have elongated experience in termite piping
  • Our professionals are well trained to design effective plans
  • Our pesticides are CIB approved
  • We are renowned for the best after-sale service
  • We provide termite piping at the most competitive rates